
Without Getting a Degree in Computer TechnologyHow to Update USB Drivers

How to Update USB Drivers Without Getting a Degree in Computer Technology You have been told you need to update the USB drivers. Now you are looking for ways to do that.If you had purchased a computer in this gap, then it was fairly common that you would need to upgrade your USB drivers. Nowadays, if you need to update your USB drivers, it is because something happened with your motherboard. You may have replaced it or it just went crazy on you. Unfortunately, this can lead the average person into an endless maze of tech support phone calls shifting the blame from one phone operator to the next. Intel (the maker of the USB port) will tell you it is a Microsoft issue since they make the motherboard drivers.
They may tell you to call a third party because they do the support for the chipset. It can make a person lose their minds. How to Upgrade the USB Flash Drive If you do indeed need to update your driver, then the first thing you should do is check for Microsoft updates. USB ports are part of the Microsoft network and any global issues will be taken care of through updates. In order to use the Microsoft Update center, you will need to use the latest version of Internet Explorer. If you attempt to go to the site in another browser, it will just direct you to come back using Internet Explorer. If the Microsoft Updates do not help, then you will need to update the drivers individually. This can be done manually if you know who made the drivers for the USB ports. As mentioned earlier, this may be a little difficult because it could be Intel, Microsoft, the motherboard maker or a third party altogether. Once you know who made the drivers, you can go to their website and download updated drivers.
After you download them, double click them and it should automatically load the new drivers onto your system. At this point, you may need to restart your computer. If You Can't Locate the Update Drivers If you cannot find an update or you cannot determine who manufactured your USB Flash Disk, then using driver update software may be necessary. With driver update software, you will not need to know anything about your computer or your drivers. It will automatically detect your settings, and then it will search for what you need. After it locates needed updates, you will be given the option to download and install update individually or all at once. It only takes a couple of minutes and you will be done.

